4. Case 01: Running Control

4.1. Purpose

  • Learn to control the movement of TPBot via programming.

4.2. Materials


4.3. Software


4.4. Programming

  • Click “Advanced” to see more choices in the MakeCode drawer.


  • We need to add a package for programming. Click “Extensions” in the bottom of the drawer and search with “tpbot” in the dialogue box to download it.


Sample A

  • Drag the brick of setting the speed in both 100 for both wheels of TPBot into the “On Start”.



  • TPBot keeps moving forward.

Sample B

  • Drag and set the brick of moving forward at the speed of 100 and lasting for 3 seconds into the “On Start”.




  • TPBot moves forward at full speed for 3 seconds and then stops.

Sample C

  • Drag and set the brick of moving forward at the speed of 100 into the brick of “while button A being pressed”, then set to pause for 2000ms, and drag the stops immediately brick as the pic says.




  • While button A being pressed, TPBot moves forward at the full speed for two seconds and then stops.

4.5. Exploration

4.6. FAQ

4.7. Relevant File