1. Ring:bit Python Samples

1.1. Add Python Documents

Download and unzip the package: EF_Produce_MicroPython-master Go to Python editor


For programming, we need to add the file of Ringbit.py. Click Load/Save first and again with Show Files(1), choose “add file” to get to the download page to find the file folder of EF_Produce_MicroPython-master, then add Ringbit.py.




1.2. Sample Code

Project 01: Drive at full speed

from microbit import *
from Ringbit import *

RB = RINGBIT(pin1,pin2)
# Set the speed of both motors


  • The speed of both wheels is 100, the car drives at full speed.

Project 02: Obstacle-avoidance car

from microbit import *
from Ringbit import *

RB = RINGBIT(pin1,pin2)
while True:
    i = RB.get_distance(0)
    if i>3 and i<30:
        RB.set_motors_speed(-100, 100)
        RB.set_motors_speed(100, 100)


  • The car changes its direction immediately if the ultrasonic sound sensor detects any obstacles.

Project 03: Line following

from microbit import *
from Ringbit import *

RB = RINGBIT(pin1,pin2)
while True:
    i = RB.get_tracking()
    if i == 10:
        RB.set_motors_speed(10, 100)
    if i == 1:
        RB.set_motors_speed(100, 10)   
    if i == 11:
        RB.set_motors_speed(100, 100) 


  • The car runs along with the black line.

1.3. Relevant Projects

1.4. Technical Files