8. Rainbow LED module

8.1. Introduction

  • Ring:bit car V2 light-bar module is the dedicated module designed for Ring:Bit Car V2. It brings you mutiple color with simple assemblling methods.
  • It comes with 8 Rainbow full color LEDs. You can update it to a car with auto-headlights and rainbow lights.


8.2. Features

  • Input voltage 3V~5V,driving directly by micro:bit.
  • Standard 3 line GVS port, occupying only one I/O port.
  • 8 small LEDs, power saving and energy saving.
  • Each led can be programmed seperately with RGB color.

8.3. Parameter

Items | Parameter | Remark :-: | :-: |:-: Name |Ring:bit car v2 light bar|- SKU|EF03425|- Working Voltage |DC 3-5V|- Connection Port |Ring:bit car dedicated pin ports|Fixed with scews Output Signal |Simulation|- LEDs |8 pcs|- Dimension |60.8 x 33.20mm|- Net Weight |5.7g|-

8.4. Dimensions:


8.5. Quick to Start

Hardware Connection

First, insert this module to the baseboard of the Ring:bit car V2.


Then, screw up the screws.




Software Programming

  • Program a simple light-bar code in the makecode .
  • Set the variable for Strip, initiate the 10pcs LEDs connected to P0.
  • Programme the LED to show Rainbow color
  • Programme to circulate and displace the color in “forever” brick.
  • Show color.


Links: https://makecode.microbit.org/_3Wc1k8Ckg9vF

You can download it directly below:


Rainbow lights.

8.6. FAQ