16. Case 14: The Reading Range Guitar

16.1. Purpose

To make a guitar that is able to read ranges.


16.3. Materials Required


Video link: https://youtu.be/B_P8gOaA0Gc

16.4. Bricks build-up





























16.5. Installation Mthods of Hardwares

Install the sonar:bit with the bricks.


16.6. Hardware Connection

Connect a sonar:bit to P1 port on Wukong breakout board.


16.7. Software Platform


16.8. Coding

Add extensions

Click “Advanced” in the MakeCode to see more choices.


Search with Wukong in the dialogue box to download it.


Search with https://github.com/elecfreaks/pxt-sonarbit in the dialogue box to add the sonar:bit extension.



By detecting the value of the distance between the ultrasonic sensor and the baffle only, the buzzer is controlled to emit different tones.