28. Octopus Light Sensor(EF04092)

28.1. Introduction

Octopus Light Sensor Brick can detect the light value of the current environment. It is in a small volume with a low power consumption and it is very easy to operate with good performance.


28.3. Characteristics

28.4. Specification

Item | Parameter :-: | :-: SKU|EF04092 Power Supply|3V-5.5V Connection Type|Analog Pins Definition|1-Signal 2-VCC 3-GND Response|Quick response Circuit|Simple drive circuit Stability|Stable and durable

28.5. Outlook and Dimension


28.6. Quick to Start

Materials required and connections diagram

Connect to P1 port as the picture shows.


Program as the picture shows

Click “Advanced” in the drawer of the MakeCode to see more choices.


We need to add a package for programming, click “Extensions” on the bottom of the drawer and search with “smarthomer“ in the dialogue box to download it.


Note: If you met a tip indicating codebase will be deleted due to incompatibility, you may continue as the tips tell or build a new project.




You can also download it directly:


If the light intensity is below 50, it shows the specified icons or it shows a “smile” face.

28.7. Relevant Cases

28.8. Technical Files